

In Milan the training workshop “The protection of roadside edges: the role of safety barriers”

Next Friday 8 July, in Milan, at the Hotel Palazzo delle Stelline (Sala Solari), Corso Magenta 61, a workshop will be held organized by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Milan together with Aisico, the Italian Association for Traffic Safety with the unconditional contribution of AISICO Srl.

The training event aims to professionally and technically update the operators who deal with road safety and infrastructures through the testimonies of the real experience of managers, designers, certification bodies and companies, demonstrating how a correct knowledge of the qualitative and functional state of the art of safety barriers and the verification of their correct installation contribute to the protection of road users.

The topics proposed in the workshop are aimed at public and private infrastructure managers, planners, and all engineers involved in maintaining and improving the safety of our roads. Through participation in the training event, the topics relating to the current regulations governing the use of road restraint systems, the problems related to the installation and the expected behavior of safety barriers installed on the side edge will be known and studied in depth, and some innovative solutions will be illustrated.

Participants will therefore be able to update themselves professionally and learn about the latest technical, design and technological innovations, presented by Speakers with proven experience in the sector. During the moments of discussion and during the breaks, the speakers present will be happy to exchange views with the participants on project and product issues and technologies on display, offer assistance for projects in progress and exchange contacts for further information.

Participation, upon registration at the link here, is completely free.


The event program follows:

08:30 Registration of participants

09:00 Presentation of the speakers and introduction to the theme of the workshop, Dr. Marina CapocelliStrade & Autostrade

09:20 The responsibility of the designer in the planning of the installation of safety barriers and regulatory aspects pursuant to DM 2367/04, Ing. Stefano Calamani – AISICO Srl

09:50 The functional register of safety barriers. The experience of Autovie Venete S.p.A., Ing. Corrado Accardo – Autovie Venete S.p.A.

10:20 Criteria for the design of installations on the side edge of safety barriers, dynamic tests, UNI 11785-2020 and the Irish experience of TII, Ing. Ottavia Calamani – AISICO Srl

10:50 Questions and Answers

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Intervention methods for barriers installed on lateral edges of low resistance, Ing. Maurizio Palermo – TSL Engineering Srl

12:00 An intervention solution for barriers installed on the side edge of low resistance, Ing. Riccardo Gambarino – Tubosider S.p.A.

12:30 Questions and Answers

13:00 – 14:30 Light lunch

To participate click here.