AISICO sponsor of the XXIX PIARC Italia National Convention on May 24-25 in Rome

In Rome, in Piazza di Pietra in the Sala del Tempio di Vibia Sabina and Adriano, the XXIX National Convention of PIARC Italia, the World Road Association, of which the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and Anas S.p.A. will take place on 24 and 25 May. are members by right and which includes 125 governments from all continents.
The National Conference will be an opportunity to talk about new technologies applied to the monitoring of bridges, viaducts and tunnels, automation and smart roads, asset and finance management, environmental sustainability and sustainable mobility, cybersecurity, climate change and disaster management and much more; all themes united by the same common thread: road safety, efficiency and sustainability of investments, service to users.
During the first day, the themes of Road Administration and Mobility will be discussed.
The second day, on the other hand, will involve the Technical Committees on the topics of Safety and Sustainability and Resilient Infrastructures.