AISICO participates in PIARC Tech Days

On Tuesday 31 May afternoon, starting at 2.30 pm, the PIARC – Italian National Committee of the World Road Association will hold a webinar entitled “The road: New Technologies & Best Practice”, sponsored by Anas, CNI (National Council of Engineers) and FOIR (Foundation of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome).
Together with AISICO, many companies in the sector will participate, associated with Piarc – Italy, presenting the best practices and excellence adopted in response to the needs of planning, monitoring and maintenance of road infrastructures.
At 3.10 pm on behalf of AISICO, Ottavia Calamani, Head of New Technology of the company will speak and she will contribute to the topic by talking about the installation of barriers on road embankments.
By clicking here you can read the entire program (in italian language) of the webinar.
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