The Italian Competition Authority renews the Legality Rating to AISICO

The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) has reconfirmed the legality rating to AISICO with the following score: ★ ++.
The base score ★ has been increased by two “+” because the company uses payment traceability systems even for amounts lower than those set by the law, and because it does not operate in the sectors subjected to attempts of mafia infiltration.
The legality rating is a tool – introduced in 2012 in accordance with the Ministries of Economic Development, Interior and Justice, wich aims at promoting and introducing principles of ethical behavior in business. It highlights the degree of attention for etichal values through the assignment of a recognition symbol, measured in “stars”.
Stefano Calamani, CEO of AISICO, states: “The respect for the law is a deep commitment in our daily activities. We wish to grant to all our customers and partners, both public and private, the maximum fairness and transparency”.
AISICO confirms its engagement to maintain high standards of legality and improve the legality rating score in the next two years.
Search our company in the list of Italian companies with a rating, by clicking here.