AISICO wins the Autovie Venete tender for the new redevelopment plan

AISICO and Progetti e Servizi win in ATI the tender of Autovie Venete S.p.A. for the verification of road barriers on all sections in operation.
The work, acquired thanks to the professionalism and technology, put in place by the two companies, will have the purpose of surveying and verifying the conservation status of the protective devices from a geometric and mechanical point of view and to determine the restraint devices to be installed in compliance with the current regulations.
The census will be performed through the use of a high-performance vehicle called MOMAS, designed specifically for road surveys, set up with equipment capable of detecting geo-referenced and high-definition images on each side of the vehicle.
The mechanical compliance and verification of the correct functioning of the pole / support system will be performed through the execution of a series of dynamic tests, performed with the T.H.O.R. – Testing Head Over Road, a mobile instrumentation, and, where necessary also with the execution of numerical simulations to finite elements.
By comparing the current state of all the devices in operation and the determination of the barriers that should be installed according to the mandatory legislation, we will proceed to the identification of the criticalities and the parameterization of the devices installed according to the current criteria, to the subsequent executive design of the necessary corrective actions or actions, in order to draw up a ranking of the most critical sections, explaining the actions to be taken to proceed with the resolution.