About us
Our story.

AISICO Associazione italiana per la sicurezza della circolazione is founded, dealing with road safety campaigns and awareness
The AISICO Association is recognized as a legal entity
by D.P.R. 4/12/1987.
The AISICO Association is recognized as a body of proven experience in the field of prevention and road safety
with D.M. n. 651 of 10/12/1993.

The AISICO Association takes over the activities of the Anagni.
AISICO Association obtains ACCREDIA (ex SINAL)
Accreditation according to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 for the execution of crash tests on safety barriers according to EN1317.

First crash test on safety barrier EN1317-2.

First crash test on a Motorcyclist Protection System
(ex EN1317-8 now CEN/TS 17342)

Birth of AISICO Srl, which takes over from the AISICO Association.

Start of the Numerical Simulations FEM activity.

AISICO is recognized by the European Commission as Notified Body for the issue of CE marking
on safety barriers, attenuators, noise barriers, vertical signs and lighting columns.

The internal area of Research and Development is set up.

The AISICO Test Center is set up in Pereto (AQ).
Entirely dedicated to carrying out tests on road and rail equipment, such as safety barriers, noise barriers, lighting columns, intrusion detection systems, railway attenuators.

First crash test according to AASTHO standard (MASH).

First crash test on Anti Intrusion System.
(ASTM F2656 18, BSI PAS 68:2013 and IWA 14 1:2013)

AISICO begins its systematic commitment to support youth and culture with the “Piana del Cavaliere” Festival
The International Academy of High Musical Perfection and the Vittorio Calamani Philharmonic Orchestra.

Birth of the innovative equipment called “T.H.O.R. – Testing Head Over Road”
for the execution of dynamic tests on safety barriers.

Start of bridge monitoring activities with expeditious methods and APR.

Construction of the railway crash facility and execution of the first crash.

First company in Europe to obtain UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for Numerical Simulations
according to the standard (ex Pr EN16303:2018 now UNI EN 16303:2020).

Achieved 2000+ EN1317 crash tests, 50+ MASH crash tests, 100+ CEN/TS17342 crash tests.

AISICO achieves accreditation to ISO 9001.

First crash test on TMA (Truck Mounted Attenuator) TS16786.
Accreditamento per le Prove Statiche e le Prove Dinamiche

AISICO unico laboratorio in Italia accreditato FIA per i Debris Fence Testing

AISICO vince la gara indetta da RFI per l’esecuzione di ispezioni video con l’ausilio di sistemi aerei a pilotaggio remoto su 382 ponti ferroviari